Everyday Self Help & Self Care Tips and Tricks to Help Guide Us Back To Optimal Health and Happiness.

*Everyday Self Help by Rebecca*

If anyone comes to me with a problem, issue or wants my advice on what or how to find an answer. I recommend the following. Do your research or keep watching my posts and I will touch on all of them at some point.

Aromatherapy, Essential oils, scenting items for healing.
Reiki and Reiki infused stuff, teas,water,food, long distance Reiki healing
Polarity balancing
Healing touch therapy
Crystal page with pics and placement of stones.
Crystal Reiki
Chakra cleansing and balancing. Recognizing behaviors or patterns that apply to each chakra.
Grounding, different mediations to refocus and rewire the thoughts and tapes.
Yoga, dancing, body movements and awareness.
Legs up the wall= Body Reset!
Repeating motions to relax and retrain.

Debug. unlearn, untrain, rewire, reset, renew.
Aura cleansing & rebalancing
Self and space clearing
Affirmations and positive thoughts with intentions
Mirror work
Self forgiveness, others forgiveness and pardons
aka Healing homework
Smile therapy and smiling organs meditation with smiling breaths,
Laughing therapy
Snuggling/hugging therapy

Healing Waters (sun/moon/crystal/color infused)
Color therapy with, clothes/fabrics,foods
Nature bathing forest/ocean
Ocean and sea therapy includes sea shells and sand art drawings and raking. Name and intention released in waters
Labyrinth walk/meditations
Attitude of Gratitude and Gratefulness journal
Meditation walks of Appreciation and Gratefulness/thankfulness in nature/neighborhood etc.
Native American rituals or passages to new ways.
Chants. Songs/singing, Prayers. Spells. Charms.
Candle work, burning papers.burning or wax melting casting.
Witchy wish jars. Lucky jars. Charm bags for crystals,flowers etc.
Dream boards, “claiming” (like i did with my dream car,home,family plan, my desire for two dark twin girls was answered in black lab form,lol.”thats my car” tell story how it happened, maybe family got sick of hearing it and bought it to shut me up,either way i got what i wanted).
Talk therapy. Scream therapy. Hum/moan therapy.
Calling on Angels, Spirits, Spirit animals(research the animal you love, might be a message behind it, characteristic,
Ask ancestors (and those friends u loved that passed on)for knowledge and wisdom to serve our greater good.
Wind therapy and cleansing(aura cleanse)
Sage and smudging body, space, belongings.
Oracle cards, angel healing cards. Pick and learn cards.
“Finger point pain recognizing”. Pointer finger touches non pain area then pain area and says “does it hurt here or do u feel pain here” then moves to non pain and back again. Pinpointing that pain or just surrounding area. Encouraging them to point exactly and self “light” healing or Reiki
Hand and Foot Reflexology
Creative Art therapy, painting,drawings,pottery, soap making,crochet/knit/sew, jewelry making, doll making, upcycling, sand drawings therapy, garden therapy
Acupressure, Acupuncture, Massages
Cupping, dowsing, pendulum, muscle testing
Diets, juicing, fasting
Baths with salts, ashes, oils, flowers, herbs, even sparkles.

There are so many Energy Healing Modalities and Energy Works Activities that you can do. Any questions about any just ask me😁

Please remember that if you need to, seek professional medical attention.


I bought this Azurite stone in 2018 purchased in a small local shop in Oregon. It’s in rough form and extremely fragile it is deep blue, shiny blue flakes, green with tan and black on opposite side.

The stone of creativity and clarity. It is to help guide in psychic and intuitive development. It urges the soul towards enlightenment and self power. This stone helps stimulate and cleanse the third eye. Helps to attune to spiritual awareness. Attuned to spiritual allowance and guidance. Facilitates in understanding the effects of the mind and emotions of the body. Helps resolve deep negative emotions such as grief, sadness or stress.

Azurite helps clear mental blocks, understand new perspectives and expand the mind to new thinking and concepts, obtain better focus and concentration. It can help facilitate spiritual unfoldment and greater control Annan ensure communications. Also helps enter into a meditative state for channeling. This stone is an extremely powerful healing stone, powerful enough that if used too long can cause headaches and heart palpitations. Azurite helps treat throat problems, arthritis, joint problems, anything to do with the spine, and works at a cellular level to restore blockages or damages to the brain. Also helps with kidney gallbladder function, eliminates having stones or malfunctions.

Azurite is a healing stone to help relieve stress and helps align the mind and mental processes and mental diseases or illnesses. Helps to aid and spark creativity. Meditation with this stone can open the third eye so be sure to close, ask for protection and ground yourself all before exiting your meditative state. Personally I can only use this stone for a very short time because it has a very powerful energy that works quickly.

Remember get medical help if you need it and that these stones can be used alongside medical treatment.

Along with my personal knowledge, studies and experiences I use Book Resources such as The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall and Crystals for Healings by Karen Frazier


When I was a small child my Mom and I would pray before we went to sleep. It was the prayer that most children my age were hearing, it went like this.

Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, and if I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. If I should live for other days, I pray the Lord would guide my ways. I pray for… Then I would list the names of people, as many as I could think of. Besides keeping me awake by listing people it also had the same effectiveness as some do by counting sheep.

As I grew older/teen, my Mom didn’t come in to pray before I went to sleep because I was a night owl haunted by insomnia, so who knew when I actually was going to bed. Anyways, I continue to pray on my own and had my lists of people and then started to add my goals and want lists to those prayers. Also I may of added that I wanted to meet and marry Kirk Cameron (actor,1980’s).

When I went to the Navy, that prayer was literally the only thing consistent during bootcamp and my following tours. I knew when I hit the bunk that I would think that prayer and it felt that it somehow connected me to my family back home and saying all the names in my mind brought me comfort, connection and I felt that I was still doing my part. I never felt it was a religious act but more of a tool to stay connected to God, higher power and to the people I loved and cared about. I felt it also was a sort of meditation that relaxed me enough to actually go to sleep (or rest peacefully if insomnia was present).

After my Navy days I was going place to place trying to find my way and the next phase of life and that prayer was still consistent and in a way grounded me. My list of people grew as did my goals and wants too (no more Kirk Cameron but maybe for someone similar, lol). After meeting Brian (1998), and shortly after we had the most beautiful children ever, it was my true privilege and goal to teach them that prayer. As they grew, to listen to their little voices saying that prayer outloud was literally the answer to all my years of prayers coming back as the biggest blessing of my life. My heart filled with everlasting love and joy. Prayers over my children, for my children and with my children, an answered prayer and privilege! Sometimes taking the time to pray to not lose my temper was exactly the time I needed to gain more patience. Most parents are already praying and then just are not aware of it ,haha.

As they grew to teens our time praying time together faded, (I can’t stay up like I used too,haha) my consistent prayer has never left me. My lists of people (which now includes my niece and nephew and my cousins’ children) my wants and goals may have shifted but my prayer remains strong and fulfilling. Resting in bed at night with a good long prayer helps to also recount my gratefulness for all that I am and have.

My Mom has now passed (2010) and she joins the angels who listens to my prayers. I wouldn’t doubt that she says them with me and delights in the tradition and consistency of our prayer. 

My prayers for others and their healing, happiness and healthy well being is stronger these days, especially with Covid19 (2020), presidential change and everything that comes along with all of that. Right now it does feel that the only thing consistent and accountable is my prayers. I have added another element called Reiki, and sending long distance Reiki to others is literally like saying a prayer for them and sending them healing energy which is something prayers do anyways (my opinion).

My prayers not only happen before bedtime these days, my day prayers sound different but the same concept and my list of people and their needs does grow as our times and events change. My duty and service to serve others sometimes only needs to come in prayer form. If anyone reading this wants to be added to my list, please let me know. It would be my privilege and honor to pray for you and yours. Long distance Reiki is also always available, as is in person Reiki if you are local.

So if you are looking for something consistent in these trying times, try praying. Prayers come in so many forms, do what works for you. There is no right or wrong, no beliefs to believe in, nothing but you, your thoughts and a connection or source.

One time I prayed to and for the trees at Armstrong Woods to heal, remain strong and rooted and protect themselves from the CA wildfires, and that may every person who sees them finds their own healing, protection and strength.

If you have any questions or need help getting started with prayer, just contact me. Until then, I pray for all who visit my words here, may someone be served by this.

*Just a reminder that if you are having medical issues please seek professional help. Prayers work for healing alongside Medical treatment, not as a substitute.

…may angels watch me through the night and wake me with the morning light.


The Purpose of Life.

Have you ever asked yourself what is the purpose of life? What will make you the happiest? Who’s life will be touched besides your own?

At A Glance, scroll through the slideshow below. 7 main Chakras and their Healing and Balancing Crystals/Stones. Each stone has it’s own energy and benefits, that’s why there is more than one for each Chakra.

Any questions let me know. ~Rebecca

Chakra Grid with Crystals

Chakra grid. You would want to use this grid for healing and balancing your chakras.

Use a seed of life pattern.

Use chakra color related stones for this grid, every grid and stones may differ, in picture I used, Amethyst (crown chakra), Blue Aventurine (third-eye chakra), Lapis Lazuli (throat chakra), Green Aventurine (heart chakra), Yellow Aventurine (solar plexus), Peach Aventurine (sacral chakra) & Red Jasper (root chakra).

Have a Center stone such as amethyst or rose quartz.

The Clear quartz between each chakra stone pointing outwards from the center stone to direct the energy.

Put your name and intention on a piece of paper and under the Center Stone. (Personally I request/intention that all my chakras be attuned and balance and to remove any excess energy that does not serve my greater good. May it bring me to my Optimal Health and a great life of abundance in prosperity, wealth, love and happiness.)

Placing the patterns on a mirror reflects back the light and the colors, it is said to magnify the energy, but if you do not have a mirror it’s still works.

The stones on the grid are as follows and their benefits. You can vary the stones/crystals the you use for this grid that suits you and your needs. I used these in particular because they also had the Chakra symbol on them so it was easy to identify. Just like every person, grids are going to be different, unique and make it personal to your need. Need any help just contact me.

• Amethyst (Crown Chakra): has healing powers to help with physical ailments, emotional issues, and in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing.

• Blue Aventurine (Third-eye Chakra): As a stone of truth, Blue Aventurine mineral stones improves Communications and The calming effect facilitates logical thinking.

• Lapis Lazuli (Throat Chakra): Encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression and reveals inner truth, providing qualities of honesty, compassion and morality to the personality. Stimulates objectivity, clarity and encourages creativity.

• Green Aventurine (Heart Chakra): is known as the good luck stone and is often used in rituals or kept in cash boxes or drawers to attract money. Green Aventurine is recommended for working through unresolved emotional issues.

• Yellow Aventurine (Solar Plexus): It is considered to promote emotional stability, balance, loving relationships, luck, wisdom, protection and a long life. I also use Tigers Eye for this Chakra.

• Peach Aventurine (Sacral Chakra): A stabilizing stone, restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity, gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success. I also use Carnelian for this Chakra.

• Red Jasper (Root Chakra): A stone of physical strength and energy, Red Jasper stimulates gently and steadily, enhancing stamina and endurance, and increasing the amount of chi, or life force.

Thanks for stopping by. If you need more information, just let me know. ❤️Rebecca

My New Favorite Crystal!!!!! It reminds me of the beach when I can’t get there, the waters mixed with sand all in one crystal ❤😍
My crystal came from the mines of Argentina. Deeply nourishing to our emotional body, strengthening emotional intelligence with soft, yet powerful resolve. Invokes the flowing wisdom of water, ease in the heart mind, opening us up a two more expensive ways of knowing including from Spirit guides, Angelic and buddies, supportive ancestors. Intuition, dreaming, empathy with good boundaries. Let this friend hold you as you hold it. ❤ Ways to use it, can be in your pocket, worn as jewelry, held in hand while relaxing, placed on body during meditation, put next to your water glass to absorb it’s energy(not in glass) ,the possibilities are endless. Need more ideas or information, just contact me. Love and Light and Everything Bright ~Rebecca

Remember that this is not to be used in replacement to Professional Medical Care but to truly compliment.

4th Chakra, Heart Chakra

Purpose/Qualities: Balancing point for all the chakras. Represents love, compassion, joy, inner peace, higher consciousness and spirituality. Governs our relationships and how we communicate and interact with others.

Locations: Heart region. Near the center of the breastbone or sternum in the front and on back is located between the shoulder blades.

Physical: Blood andHeart related disorders. Disorders of the breasts, lungs, thymus, and middle back tightness. Respiratory Problems. Shortness of Breathe/asthma. Auto immune disease and immune system deficiency. Shoulder, arm and hand conditions.

Color: Green, Pink

Element: Air

Sound: F  /Ah, YAM
Balanced Energy:
Allows one to lovedeeply, wholeheartedly, compassionate, empathy, peace, serenity, kindness, friendliness, allows one to see the good in people.

Unbalanced Energy: Shy, fear of getting hurt by others. Feeling of unloved, unable to love others. Lacks compassion and honesty. Feeling unworthy of love. Keeping the heart at a distance.
Color therapy:
Connect with nature. Forest Therapy, enjoying the trees and all greenery. Laying in the grass and barefoot grass time. Wear green clothes, scarves.  

Verbs: I Love
7 Affirmations:
I give and open to receive love effortlessly and unconditionally. Everything I do, I do with love. My heart is healing and heathy. I let go of resentments and don’t hold onto grudges. I forgive others and ask for forgiveness. I forgive myself (and my parents). I accept things the way they are.

Crystals/ Stones: Green Aventurine (most common). Rose Quartz (2nd common), Pink/Red Aventurine, Unakite, Amazonite, Chrysocolla, Emerald, Rhodonite, Malachite, Strawberry Quartz. Ask me how to use the crystals or keep watching this blog for information.
Essential Oil:
Rose, Peppermint, Melaleuca, Ylang Ylang, Helichrysum, Geranium, Eucalyptus, Calming Blend
Flower Essence:
Rose, Geranium

Food: Green Leafy Vegetables such as spinach, kale, dandelion greens, sprouts etc. Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, celery, parsley, cilantro etc. Drinking green teas have also shown benefits.

Beneficial Healing Modalities: Yoga, Aromatherapy, Deep breathing meditations, Guided Walking Tours/Meditations, Hand mudras and massages. Healing Touch Therapies, Reiki, Crystal Reiki. Cardio strengthen activities. Acupuncture, EFT.

You are LOVED and thank you for visiting my Blog. May your day be blessed with endless love and light and everything bright. Rebecca

*Remember to always consult you Healthcare Provider if you are having any blood, heart and lung conditions. This is not to be meant in place of professional health care

I’m offering Long Distance Reiki. To get more information, read below.

Long Distance Reiki has exactly the same effect as an in person Reiki treatment. Reiki energy is form of Quantum Healing, so it is not limited to time or space and can easily be transmitted anywhere that it is needed and can also be sent to the future, and to future events if needed (pregnancy/birth, during an exam, interviews and medical procedures/surgeries, etc).

How Long Distance Reiki Sessions Work: We will arrange a time(time zone permitted) when you’re in a quiet place and able to relax for the session. I will conduct the Reiki session from my home in California while you’re relaxing in the comfort of your own home, wherever that may be. All you have to do is relax, acknowledge that Reiki will be sent and that you are open to receiving it and tune into the energy. You will receive the energy just as if I was there with you. It is best to schedule the session for when you’re at home. You may feel drowsy during the session. Also, if you schedule the session when you’re doing something else, you won’t be able to focus on yourself or the Reiki energy. Although the Reiki will still be sent at the time, you just want to give yourself the time to receive it fully.

It is highly suggested that you drink plenty of water before and after the session, to help with energy flow. To enhance the healing even more, you just need to relax, be in a comfortable position, breathe, light a candle or incense, pour a cup of tea, hold your favorite crystal and play relaxing music.

Benefits of Distance Reiki:

*You will receive the same benefits as if you came to an in person Reiki session.

*You do not have to sit in traffic, commute long hours or leave your home.

*If you are looking for energetic healing while preparing for or undergoing surgery or treatment.

*You work long hours and find it difficult to squeeze in an in person session.

*Pricing for a Long Distance Reiki session is lower than in person,if money is a concern.

Personally I try to go through a list of people and requests for Long Distance Reiki on Wednesdays & Fridays evenings, but that doesn’t always work for everyone, so if you have a better time, let me know. I will need your full name and your birthday, would be helpful for Numerology & Astrology references. Any names of others that you want Reiki sent too or for, and if any pets need. Also list any requests, illness, disease or specific needs for me to focus on when sending Reiki.

*You can think of Long Distance Reiki as a prayer someone is sending to you. This prayer can help you clear your mind, reduce anxiety, PTSD, grief, depression and physical pain, help you to feel more balanced mentally & emotionally and even help you sleep better. Studies have shown it can boost your immune system, lower blood pressure, relieve stress, balance hormones and help during pregnancy and birth. Today Cancer patient are using Reiki alongside their medical treatments.

The body works like nature. If it’s nourished and balanced, it will do what it naturally needs to do, or is programmed to do to achieve and keep optimal health. Long Distance Reiki also helps in directing energy toward specific goals, or simply working on one’s self-development.

* If you want more information on Reiki, Long Distance Reiki or the other Services that I offer, just let me know.

Love & Light and Everything Bright! ❤️Rebecca

Quick reminder that Reiki is not to replace any Professional Medical Help but to work alongside treatments. Don’t stop help or medications without your physician approval.

Starting the Chakra Healing and Balancing Series. I will share all my knowledge on each Chakra. Today is the 1st Chakra which is actually the Red one on the bottom half and work our way up. Enjoy!

1st Chakra, Base/ Root Chakra

Purpose/Qualities: Basic needs for Survival. Security. Safety. Stability. Will Power. Grounding. Motivation and Intent.

Locations: at the base of the spine and the groin area.

Physical: Lower back/Sciatica pains. Constipation/ Diarrhea/ IBS. Rectal/anal issues. Leg vein/varicose issues hips, groin, ankles and knee issues. Adrenal glandes.

Color: Red

Element: Earth

Sound: C/ Oohm
Balanced Energy:
Abundant energy and good health. Feeling grounded and settled, comfortable with own body, a healthy desire for basic requirements, such as warmth, food and shelter, feeling a sense of security, stability.

Unbalanced Energy: Neglecting self, over/under weight. Eating disorders. Poor boundaries and lack discipline. Not feeling like one belongs, disorganizing, addicted to adrenaline activities. One might start feeling afraid of life, withdraw from physical reality, feel victimized, operate in a highly selfish mode or be prone to violence.
Color therapy:
Shades of Red clothes. Coloring/drawing with red. Red colored glasses. Red sand or clay play.

Verbs: I Have. I Am.
7 Affirmations:
I am WORTHY! I feel deeply rooted. I am a divine being of love and light. I am peaceful. I am protected and secure. I am open to possibilities. I am connected to my body.

Crystals/ Stones:
Red Jasper(most common). Blood Stone, Garnet, Ruby, Aventurine Red/Pink. Botswana Agate, Hematite, Ruby Fuchite, Petrified Wood, Emerald, Coral, Tourmaline. Meditate holding Carnelian for a calming effect on the Chakra. If you want ideas on how to use the Crystals/Stones, send me a message or keep watching this blog.

Essential Oil:
Basil, Cedarwood, Myrrh, Patchouli, Grounding Blend
Flower Essence:
Clematis, Rosemary

Food: Root Vegetables: Carrots, potatoes, parsnips, beets, radishes, garlic, other ground growing veggies. Protein rich foods: Eggs, meats, beans, tofu, peanut butter.
Beneficial Healing Modalities:
Yoga, meditations, walking, hand mudras and massages.

*COMING SOON, Chakra Meditation video, keep a look out.

*note* this information has been gathered through my personal experience and knowledge gathered through the many diploma courses, and certificates that I have earned along the years. This information is by no means an end all list, do your research!!! Don’t do anything without consulting your physician first.


Make a Wish

Go ahead and make a virtual wish on this dandelion. Sometimes the Universe doesn’t hear our exact wish the way we intended it.

I remember blowing a dandelion and making a wish, but then in my mind I would say, it probably wouldn’t come true anyway ,but it was worth a try. I just now had the realization that I was doubting my wish even before it took to the wind. Have you ever done that? Had a dream or wish but condemned it before it even had time to come to life?

There is this thought that if one’s vibration doesn’t match the wish or dream it probably won’t come to realization. If we adjust our vibrations to match what we dream that it would become our reality. If we condemn the wish or dream, we sabotage the vibration match and it will not come or happen. I wondered how I could come to the same vibrations as my wishes and dreams, then I remembered hearing someone say that if we imagine that we already have it then work backwards from there. Truly imagining being blessed with the wishes/dream and how it would feel and how my situations would look different. I started writing down how my wish/dream being true would impact my life. I tried to imagine and feel all the differences it would bring. That my friend, changes our vibrations to match our wishes and dreams! Get in the moment of having it already and watch it really unfold in reality. If you don’t believe me than try it. Change your vibrations, change your results, change your life!!!!!

May your wishes and dreams come true. ❤Rebecca

Made in PicsArt app for FREE.

I did a tutorial on making Positive Affirmations wallpaper for your screened devices using a Free app called PicsArt. I placed the video on my YouTube channel because my WordPress storage is almost full. Click the link below and it will zoom you on over there. The guided tutorial will literally walk you step by step. If you have any questions at all just comment below and I will get back to you ASAP. I wish you the absolute best and see you back here soon

Here’s the tutorial link to my page on YouTube.

More wallpaper ideas, get creative and have fun❤️Rebecca