Everyday Self Help & Self Care Tips and Tricks to Help Guide Us Back To Optimal Health and Happiness.

Archive for September, 2020

Just Be Your Weird Self…

Let’s just face it, people are going to judge you no matter what, so let’s give them something weird to judge. LOL!😁

I know that I could be really weird, different than most are used too. I try to be sparkly, silly, funny and use humor to deal with a lot of things. Sometimes it makes people want to be near me or others to stay clear of me. I tried not to laugh when I typed that last sentence out, but it’s true. I believe in different things than others, I have habits or practices that might be different than others. I handle situations much different than most, I try to take the most holistic or organic way first, which may seem odd to some. There can’t be just one way to do something and I like to be the one who can find another way. Some say unique, special or weird when they refer to others doing something different than they are doing it. What is your take on being weird?

As always I like to share my personal story in hopes that you can relate, or see it from another perspective than your own. I may have spent almost my whole entire life trying to fit in, trying to make others like me, make others happy, and the only person who was ever happy was definitely not me. How many of us go through life trying to be something or someone we are not just to make others happy?

Now that I’m older (and my Mom has passed). I am free to just be me, no parental pressure or so I thought I had. The only person I’m trying to make happy is myself. I’m not trying to be selfish, I’m trying to be authentic. I do care what others think, I am still human. When finding the balance between being your weird true self and trying to be different for others, you will find that a huge conflict will happen in the mind, body and even in the spirit. Personally I just end up being more socially awkward than usual and it doesn’t feel good inside either. That probably sounded weird but it is a real thing. Maybe ask yourself if ever you were trying to be “cool” in front of your boss or trying to impress a date and you just ended up looking “un cool”. If you can’t relate to that scenario, just recall it in a movie, sadly my movie selection contains mostly all those moments. If we try to be as authentic as we can be, life is just easier. I’m trying to be as real as I can be, striving to be the best person that I can be for myself, my children, family and also my friends. Sometimes it’s easier said than done, but it gives us something to look forward to every day. To be better than we were yesterday. To be weirder than you were the day before, haha just kidding. I have found in my 40+ years of life that the people who truly value you will always be there for you. It’s like finding your own tribe. If you are true and real for yourself, you can’t go wrong. When all is said and done you are by yourself, for yourself, with yourself, to love yourself. To love yourself may sometimes be challenging but as we strive everyday to be better, let’s also be kind to ourselves.

Now I may have gotten a little off, so let’s get back to “weird”.

According to https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/weird

Getting back to topic, “just be your weird self”. I looked up the definition and to my surprise each web/dictionary had a similar yet different meaning but I thought I’d use this one above. The definition in itself is weird. Now I’m all about being “magical” you will see that in other upcoming articles for sure. The word “Strange” did seem a bit judging much (judgmental). So I didn’t want to touch that much. Now moving right along to “Extraordinary” character, makes me want to look this definition up but I am just going to say it’s definition is , beyond the normal or expected, different, special, exceptional and not the usual. The word extraordinary only feels so extra when said a certain way.. try it. Fun right? Say it like a princess/prince. “I am Extraordinary and Fabulous!” ….weird right hahaha. Well hey now, I’m totally an extraordinary character. I can take it next level as usual, it says odd and fantastic next in the definition meaning. Honestly I think every human has a time in their life that they can claim that they were odd or fantastic, I know I can. If we can find ways to be fantastic or odd together it might bring some extra laughter and good times into our life. We deserve to be happy, loved and accepted no matter how weird we are. When the word weird starts meaning something more positive and powerful then more people will join our tribe. Accept each other’s weird and embrace your own weird. There is only one you, be the best version of you that you can be.

I strive to be someone fantastic, someone extraordinary and yet a bit odd. I will embrace my weird and embrace the weird in you. I will be as magical as I can be and sometimes even a little strange. I am weird . Life is weird, so let’s all just be weird together. Rebecca❤️W. E. I. R. D…. witty, entertaining, interesting, radiant, determined!

**My Sincere Goals.
I want to assist and guide others in discovering their unique path to happiness, wellness, wholeness, and truly embracing their authenticity. I want to introduce and teach about Holistic Healing Modalities and it’s importance to Self Help, Self Care and Healing. Infusing the benefits of Reiki into all of the information and resources shared.❤Rebecca

How many times do you look at your screen wallpapers?

How many times a day do you look at your electronic devices? If you put a message on there it soon will be unconsciously absorbed into your brain because you’re looking at your screen so much. You should try it with any words you feel can change your life.

I chose the message that I am a billionaire, I spend my money wisely and I’m happy and wealth is good. You can choose any affirmation that you want to reprogram your thinking. If every week you had to complete a task on time, with flying colors or success, you can put a little posted affirmation on your screen that you’re seeing every day. It’s as easy as that. You can go to any photo editing app or even take a picture of some thing that you like and just add some words and there you go. I used PicsArt which is free, I took a picture of flowers from a tree that’s in bloom right now and just wrote that affirmation. I don’t realize how many times a day I actually look at it but if I counted I would definitely say I open my phone or iPad over 100 times a day and that’s a message that I’m seeing every single time I open it. It’s food for thought something to think about.

I personally chose this affirmation because I am trying to reprogram my brain that I can be wealthy and still be healthy, happy and kind. That wealth is good and it will not change me. I had some old ideas that if I were to be extra rich that I would become unhappy, scared of losing it or maybe not as kind as I am now. I realize that I needed to think differently and this is how I will accomplish that.

Do you have an old ideas that are standing in your way, maybe with success, love or even your happiness? Try this screen wallpaper message and let me know if you see a shift. I wish you the best. ❤️😃Rebecca

I made a tutorial for making wallpaper, go check it out.

How to Start the Day Off Right.

Sometimes I just wondered how people were so happy in the morning and decided that I wanted that too. I learned how to start my day off right. If you want that too, try this activity. I have created this list and I’ve done it for 30 days and I absolutely love it, so I’m going to share it with you.

I wake up and go through this list in my head before I get out of bed. Here is an example of my thoughts, I do try to change them daily.

I am content. I have people who love me, count on me and look up to me. I have people that I love very much and I show them my appreciation daily. I think about the people that I look up too, those who inspire me and encourage me to be the best I can be. I love to learn more ways to be better than I was yesterday. I love and appreciate my animals.

I appreciate my belongings (they take up space in consciousness, whether we like it or not). I appreciate my personal home environment, neighbors and my neighborhood. I am passionate about so much. I find joy in everything. I always have more than enough time and money to do everything I want. I am content, health and well. I will live my best life today.

I then take a few minutes for a great big stretch and hop out of the bed ready to start the day. Everyday I try to expand my list with more sincere and true appreciation and gratefulness.

I really hope you can come up with your own list. Feel free to share your list below, inspire others. I wish you a great day everyday.

May I …

May I…
Feeling the great earth beneath me, it nourishes me and fills me with a deep sense of beauty. May I tread so lightly and respectfully, as to be an example for others. The stability and grounding that only the earth’s surface can provide, while we visit this land, in this body. I would look up at the blue sky and ask that I be a reflection of all that I saw in nature, so that when people looked at me, they would see the fields and the dandelions and wildflowers and the depth of the sky in my eyes. May this beauty permeate and inspire me all the years of my life. I yearn to set others free from their burdens and chains, that they can feel the grand freedom, like the animals in the forest. May our problems ebb and flow with solutions, like the ocean meets the sand. May the words of positivity flow freely from me like fog over the Golden Gate Bridge.
May the sun and moon radiate through me at times that I need to shine. Let me be the one to help others be lifted to their greatest reflection of light. Use me, my servants heart is delightfully awaiting. May I be forgiven for any wrongs that I may have done. I am healed, I am used for healing all the days of my life. Let my guidance and knowledge lead others out of tunnels of darkness and lead them to the light and grounded in the grass. May I serve as a delight and inspiration for those who need me and may abundance, love and sweet energy reward me and my family. Let me be a reflection of this glorious, ever changing and extraordinary earth. Always remembering and feeling the earth beneath, as to me it is a gift. May I be a gift to others as they are to me.


My Dream Job.

As the full moon fades and another year flies by, I start to ponder what would be my dream job.

My Dream Job of working with Newborn angels who have come here, yet not ready to leave the hospital.
I would snuggle, hold gently, touch and positively talk to NICU babies. Reiki. Intuitive touch, massage and comfort, hold space so that little angelic being, who made it this far, would be encouraged and loved to become the healthy baby they are meant to be. Listen with my heart and soul as they communicate the best way they know how. Celebrate their precious fingers and toes, the cheeks and nose. Tell them their worth, remind them that they are enough and always perfect in the eyes of the creator of beings. Ensure they know they came with purpose and to fulfill their personal prophecies. Cuddle them, shower with love and grace and enjoy spending time together as they come fully into themselves and into this world. The need for more love, attention and touch can change their start. Positive influence on their growth and development. Encouraging and empowering their transition here and forward moving. Everyone deserves the most loving, comfortable, and positive start. Someone else feeling and thinking about the success of their arrival and growth. The lack of worry, but having more faith to outshine the negative effects of worry, fear and stress. I bring a smile, love, grace and faith for a more loving humanity. That babies will also heal their mothers and the generation of mothers and women before them. Holding space for parents, caregivers and staff. Encouraging them to keep up their good hard work. Supporting them with love, kindness and a truly caring heart.
I will do what I must to get myself into serving NICU babies and their families as well as staff.
Reiki treat all the rooms, waters, milk, food, even the cotton that touches their precious skin and the skin of parents and staff. I will bring and leave smiles everywhere that I go. I will bring lighthearted humor and laughs to keep positive vibrations moving through the space. I will shine gratefulness and thankful energy for all who enter into the babies space. Offering encourage words to all. Hold space for sadness as well as milestones reached. I will be openly intune and conciousness with what is in and on my mind at all times. Mindfulness of all movements and behaviors of myself and others. Radiant light and bright energy to heal, rejuvenate and do my best to restore the greatest of humanity.

I was born fragile, spent 9 days in the NICU. An angel cared for me,helped my mother and held the space for us both to heal,get strong and move on with grace and mercy. I hope that one day, that I may have the same privilege to serve.

Encouraging Words

Encouraging Words.

Sometimes we all just need to hear some good healthy encouraging words and statements that just give us a boost or purpose to keep going strong. Most of us have a mother, father, friend, teacher, coworker or somebody who’s saying things that encourage and elevate our self-esteem but sometimes you may not have that, so I’m here to offer what I can.
You can use these statements to make positive affirmations out of and keep them around your house, in your car or say them to yourself before you go to bed, which will be helpful. I do want to make a podcast/YouTube recording that encourages others while they sleep with positive affirmations.
It’s on my to do list so keep a lookout.

Encouraging words you should hear often, but just in case you are not hearing these statements, here you go.

*Ps. At the bottom of this huge list is a video sound recording of the encouraging words, go check it out.

You are strong.

You are smart.

You are successful.

You are appreciated.

You are generous.

People can count on you.

You are loved.

You always protect your loved ones.

You provide a loving environment.

You are enough.

You are brave.

You light the world with your beautiful smile.

You allow yourself to forgive others and forgive yourself.

You are hardworking.

You choose to be happy.

You are grateful.

You stay healthy for yourself and others.

You provide resources for those who need.

You are an excellent parent.

You are an excellent friend.

You take care of others and they appreciate it.

You are a good person.

You matter.

You are forgiven.

You are outstanding.

You are the best.

You cherish yourself and others.

You are healthy.

You eat nutritious foods and take care of your body.

You are well-rounded and diverse.

You are understanding.

You are loving.

You are witty and smart.

You find a good balanced between work and play.

You have great values and morals.

You are independent.

You are not afraid to ask for help when needed.

You are important.

You are wealthy.

You are abundant.

You are love.

You are loved by many.

You are rich.

You are fun and funny.

You have a great sense of humor and make light of situations.

You are fun to be around.

You are resilient.

You are abundant.

You got this!

You have a good judgment.

You handle stress well.

You are helpful.

You are calm.

You create amazing things.

You protect yourself and others to your best ability.

You are the best.

You are special.

You only take healthy risks.

You are respectful.

You are a survivor.

You are a warrior.

Being you is your superpower.

You are angelic.

You are thoughtful.

You are organic and true to your being.

You try to be the best person you can be.

People like you for who you are.

You value your self-esteem.

You love yourself wholeheartedly

You treat others with respect.

You respect your own self.

You are supportive for others.

You support your own ideas.

You are a great provider.

People can count on you.

You are accountable for yourself and your actions.

You are on the right track.

You are successful.

You are well rounded and diverse.

You are a peacekeeper.

You are a great problem solver.

You are unique.

You are understanding.

You are loving.

You are growing wiser everyday.

You learn from mistakes and make wise choices.

You make a difference.

You are needed.

You are a gift to this world.

You are living your best life.

We are proud of you.

You are resilient.

Do your best to encourage, empower and elevate others. Doing so will also reflect that energy and words back at yourself. If you don’t believe me than give it a try.

Below is my FIRST EVER Voice Recording. I am so proud of myself and I overcame a great fear and waaaalaaaa, here it is. Enjoy.


Everyday Self Help & Self Care Ideas.

Energy Healing Modalities and Energy Works Activities.
ps.Pic is Point Reyes,Ca beach view

If anyone comes to me with a problem, issue or just wants my advice on what or how to find an answer. My recommendations are in the following huge list of suggestions to come to your own personal healing and conclusions. Do your research and/or keep watching my posts and I will touch on all of them at some point. All of these healings and therapies are at your fingertips 😁 Enjoy!!!!

Aromatherapy, Essential oils, scenting items for healing.

Reiki and Reiki infused stuff, teas,water,food, long distance Reiki healing

Polarity balancing

Healing touch therapy

Crystal page with pics and placement of stones.

Crystal Reiki


Chakra cleansing and balancing. Recognizing behaviors or patterns that apply to each chakra.

Grounding, different mediations to refocus and rewire the thoughts and tapes.


Yoga, dancing, body movements and awareness.

Legs up the wall= Body Reset!

Repeating motions to relax and retrain. Debug. unlearn, untrain, rewire, reset, renew.

Aura cleansing & rebalancing

Self and space clearing

Affirmations and positive thoughts with intentions

Mirror work

Self forgiveness, others forgiveness and pardons

aka Healing homework

Smile therapy and smiling organs meditation with smiling breaths

Laughing therapy

Snuggling/hugging therapy

Animal therapy, horses, dogs, cats, aquarium visits.

Healing Waters (sun/moon/crystal/color infused)

Color therapy with, clothes/fabrics,foods

Nature bathing forest/ocean

Ocean and sea therapy includes sea shells and sand art drawings and raking. Name and intention released in waters

Labyrinth walk/meditations

Attitude of Gratitude and Gratefulness journal

Meditation walks of Appreciation and Gratefulness/thankfulness in nature/neighborhood etc.

Native American rituals or passages to new ways.

Chants. Songs/singing, Prayers. Spells. Charms.

Candle work, burning papers.burning or wax melting casting.

Witchy wish jars. Lucky jars. Charm bags for crystals,flowers etc.

Dream boards, “claiming” (like i did with my dream car,home,family plan, my desire for two dark twin girls was answered in black lab form,lol.”thats my car” tell story how it happened, maybe family got sick of hearing it and bought it to shut me up,either way i got what i wanted).


Talk therapy. Scream therapy. Hum/moan therapy.

Calling on Angels, Spirits, Spirit animals(research the animal you love, might be a message behind it, characteristic,

Ask ancestors (and those friends u loved that passed on)for knowledge and wisdom to serve our greater good.

Wind therapy and cleansing(aura cleanse)

Sage and smudging body, space, belongings.

Oracle cards, angel healing cards. Pick and learn cards.

“Finger point pain recognizing”. Pointer finger touches non pain area then pain area and says “does it hurt here or do u feel pain here” then moves to non pain and back again. Pinpointing that pain or just surrounding area. Encouraging them to point exactly and self “light” healing or Reiki

Hand and Foot Reflexology

Creative Art therapy, painting,drawings,pottery, soap making,crochet/knit/sew, jewelry making, doll making, upcycling, sand drawings therapy, gardening.

Acupressure, Acupuncture, Massages

Cupping, dowsing, pendulum, muscle testing


Diets, juicing, fasting

Baths with salts, ashes, oils, flowers, herbs, even sparkles.

Remember that none of the above should be used to replace your professional medical treatments and to always get professional medical advice before mixing anything with your medical care. Energy healing modalities and activities can be used as a combination with, assist and compliment the forms of medical treatments.

I’m here if you have any questions or need any more information. ❤️Rebecca

Wanna Thrive, Fix the Vibe!!!!!

Do you want more out of life? Do you ever feel just blah, or run down but you really don’t know why, or that you weren’t feeling like yourself?
Sometimes we need to adjust the vibration, our “vibes”. Do you wanna thrive then fix the vibe. Listed below are a few ways that you can do that.

Getting personal first, because remember that everything I share is of my own personal experiences and not medical advice. Each day is a new day, but for some reason, as humans we may bring yesterday’s problems into today. I personally wanted to change that, change my vibes from the moment I woke in the morning. I want to share some tips and tricks on how to change the Vibe in life, home, car and where ever you wanted to apply them. If you have any tips do share in comment box.

First easy tip. Did you know that adding color and fun patterns to your wardrobe can add a little bit of playfulness, fun and beauty to your attitude and vibration. Above is a LavaLava fabric that I wore as a tied skirt to a dance class, everyone loved it, they also smiled as they mentioned that it was pretty. Wear uplifting bright colors, or maybe a new eye/lip color can change your Vibe. Add some cheerful colors to your home and feel the Vibes change.

Mentioned above I said “dance class”. My tip is moving your body can change your Vibes really quickly, especially if you get your heart pumping and those happy hormones jumping around. Staying still makes us feel blah but get to moving those hips or walking can really help to improve your mood which shifts your Vibes. As we get older, we may not “play” as much and get too focused on jobs, chores and responsibilities which may steal some playful energy and joy. Do yourself a favor, wear something fun, maybe 80’s dance party in your own home. You not only will change your vibe but also the vibes of your home. Next step forward if you blast the music you may even inspire your neighbors,hahaha

This list is in no specific order and remember this is from my personal experiences. These are the things that work to change my Vibes/ vibration, try one or try them all, let me know what worked for you.

• Get up, dress up, glow up, show up SMILING!

• Get out to the beach, body of water or forest. Nature is Great!

• Stay Hydrated, water is the best!

• Eating health, raw and as clean as possible.

• Journaling, dream boarding or blogging.

• Showing and experiencing Love, Gratitude, Joy and happiness.

• Practicing Mindfulness and being present.

• Doing good deeds, practicing kindness whenever I can.

• Listening to music and other healing frequencies.

• Taking a Social media break. Phone friends and family. Write letters/Cards.

• Exercising, spending time with pets and meditations.

• Using Essential Oils such as Lavender for relaxation, Lemon for Focus, a huge list will be on the Essential Oils post.

• Smudging with Sage (other dried flowers too)

• Sage, Moon water and Protection Sprays when I can’t burn/smudge.

• Gardening and houseplants. Greenery is healthy to also look at(heart chakra, chakra information will be posted soon)

• Chakra balancing and Reiki (more to come in upcoming post)

• Crystals are a huge part of changing my Vibes.

Tourmaline. Repels negative vibes

Amethyst. Attracts positive vibes

Green Aventurine and Rosa Quartz Brings in,Welcomes love vibes

Citrine. Invites in, brings abundance vibes

Clear quartz. Cleans up vibes

That’s my go to list if I “Wanna Thrive, Fix the VIBE”.

I truly hope that you were inspired by my list, any questions just drop me a message.

From my home and heart to yours, Rebecca😁

Decluttering and Organizing.

What better way to feel lighter, fresher and more organized than decluttering. Everyone talks about Spring Cleaning, well I’m here to say Seasonal Purging is so much better. Autumn is about to set in, leaves are already falling, yet here on the west coast we had a 105 Degree day. So what better way to handle the heat than stay in the house to declutter and reorganize stuff. You may not think that is fun but it really was. We all hold onto stuff that either belonged to family or we just felt “if I keep, it my life would somehow be better”. Yes I’m still talking about stuff but also personal baggage that we carry around that doesn’t belong to us but we keep it. I’m here to say that when you start with just simply decluttering and reorganizing your material stuff, that it somehow starts to also unleash, declutter and organize other areas of your life. Now you might think I am kidding but try it!

Day 5 of 30 days of Self Help. Declutter & Organize.

You may be wondering how decluttering and reorganizing may be counted as Self Help, well have you ever cleaned your closets, donated the clothes and just felt free and lighter, that’s a form of helping yourself to be the best that you can be. When the closet is empty and you get to put back in the clothes and shoes that you consciously chose to keep, something also changes in your mind and the energy of the space. Feel that space just clear and open up in your life. They say we store everything that we own in part of our brain, like recalling that red suit I wore to my friend’s wedding and keeping it next to the jacket my Mom gave to me before she got sick. Those examples tied those clothes to memories that somehow gave them more importance in my exploding closet. Some may even go a step further and say they cannot get rid of stuff because it has a memory linked to it. I’m here to say, keep the memories and free the stuff. The memories won’t clutter your physical space in your home. When we hold onto all the stuff we don’t have the space to grow, change and evolve into who we truly are meant to be or do. Have you ever wanted to have people come over and then realize that all the stuff had made you uncomfortable to invite them. All the stuff gets in the way more than we think, I promise you that I personally experienced this many times. Forcing the kids to hurry and pick up their stuff, cleaning like a mad woman and always having to close my closet etc. Sometimes even apologizing for my stuff/home before they even got in the door. Well that also takes up space in your mind and body and also subconscious. Let me tell you how free I feel after a good Seasonal Purge/Spring Cleaning. Honestly I believe everyone has felt that freedom and feeling once in their life. Then I just want to open my home to everyone. I’m feeling proud, free, organized and just “adulting like a boss”. Don’t you want to feel that all the time? I have the answer, you totally can do it!

Baby steps! Don’t be like me, “Imma clean the whole entire house today”, that is an absolute failure waiting to happen. Half way through I’m like playing with stuff, trying on clothes, glasses, jewelry, looking at cards , trying on hats…. lol

So break it down into bite size chunks, per hour, per day or whatever works for you. I literally gutted my kitchen, I placed plastic on the counter top, and by sections I pulled everything out of the cabinets. Starting with the seasonings, throwing out expired and then I literally had none left. I decided that if I cleaned a few cabinets out then I would buy myself a spice rack. So that’s what I did.

I don’t know about you but I love me some kitchen gadgets and cooking utensils. I cleaned out the drawers next. Placing the gadgets and utensils that I didn’t need into a bag for the thrift store. Then finished and moved to pots and pans, then to my huge bakeware collection

Emptied all my dishes, bagged up all the holiday plates and random other plates, bowls and tons of Tupperware with the many random lids. I still have a glasses and mug cabinet to go through. I’m a major mug collector so downsizing that will be more of a challenge hahaha.

After bags and bags of things I no longer needed were loaded into my car, I dropped them off at the Thrift store donations bins. I don’t know about you but that felt excellent! I then swung by the store and picked up a brand new spice rack and waaalaaaa my kitchen felt so new, awesome and I even have free shelves. Funny thing, I’m kicking myself for not taking a before photo so that you could see the dramatic difference, but mostly so you can see that I am as human as everyone else and I never claim to be perfect but a work in progress. I feel that I have freed space up for more greatness in my life that is not for just “stuff”, but for more memories of adventures and friends over. I hope that you found motivation in my little blog and please share any progress in decluttering and organizing your own space.

Tomorrow I shall tackle the rest of my closets without playing dress up in all my costumes…. I need to say “TRY” LOL. HAVE A GREAT TIME and Declutter more than just your stuff, make more memories.😁


Positive Affirmations and the power of their outcomes.

I am a writer.

I will be an author of books that inspire and encourage self help, healing and healing of thy surroundings. May that mean animals, people, places or things, if that’s what surrounds you then share healing information.

First and foremost I want to thank everyone who has come into my life and shared their experiences, knowledge and endless tools that I will get to pass onto any one who reads this. I’m also thankful for my personal experiences and journey that has brought me to this place in my life. I am happy to share my life’s journey with you and may you be able to relate or know someone who can relate and may we be able to heal and expand in ways beyond our dreams.

I was fearful of sharing that people would judge me or talk about me, turns out there are so many of you that can truly relate and appreciate my story. I almost let the fear win but something in me knew that I was capable of sharing and passing on what I have to share.

I have found skills, techniques and knowledge that I want to share.

On this day 4 of 30 days of Self Help I want to mention another tool that has worked in my life and a tool that I have taught my children. Positive Affirmations. Have you personally experienced positive affirmations? If you are skeptical like me you may be a bit hesitant, doesn’t hurt to try, nothing to lose.

Let me clarify what a Positive Affirmations is and it’s benefits. Positive Affirmations is a phrase that encourages a optimist mindset, that is repeated to yourself often. This phrase is to help in many areas and aspects of your life. Some examples of those are phrases to self motivate, encouragement, boost your self esteem and appreciating your body, mind and well being. These phrases take you from having or saying negative thoughts to rephrase them to encourage a positive outcome or change. Some people even say that saying positive affirmations daily has change the outcome and direction of their life.

On a personal note, because you know I am mostly speaking from personal experiences not giving medical advice. I have had my times of negativity, depression and serious anxiety attacks especially if I felt that I was being judged. I only felt judged because I was doing a fine job of negatively judging myself. I used to walk by the mirror and say things negative statements like “wow Be, you getting a bit chunky, got junk in the trunk” and talk smack about my hair and skin. Asking myself how anyone could love me when I couldn’t even look at myself with a loving heart. Self criticism is sooooo harmful for ourselves and maybe we don’t even realize that we are doing it. What are some of the things that you might say to yourself, unless you have already retrained yourself, then I am so proud of you.

If we literally reduce the negative thoughts and messages we tell ourselves we could be so much happier. I only say that statement because that is what happened to me. I was gifted this wonderful book by Louise Hay, “You Can Heal Your Life” this book was absolutely mind blowing for me, you might want to check it out.

Louise Hay had two positive affirmations that I started saying to myself in the mirror. “My happy thoughts help create my healthy body”. “Wellness is the natural state of my body. I am in perfect health.” You can make your own affirmations and make them fit your personal positive thoughts geared towards the outcome that you want to feel.

Remember that they never claimed that affirmations could cure anxiety,depression or self destructive behaviors but for me personally it redirects my thoughts, energy and mind, to a more positive energy and feeling and that works for me.

Using encouraging words and powerful positive phrases retires my “old tapes” from playing in my mind. Maybe even as a distraction from my original thoughts, I reword the phrase to suit a positive aspect. I use phrases like. I am a successful person. I am confident in myself and my life choices. I am in charge of myself and trust my own intuition. My intentions are pure and from my heart. I choose to be happy, healthy and wealthy. I am resilient and rise above tough times. I surround myself with people who love me. I am free to be myself. I accept and love myself, right as I am now.

Those are just a few of my own. Now you can try to make your own and personalize them to suit you. To create positive affirmations you simply start with “I am, I”, that makes it specific that you are saying it to and for you. Always use the present tense, keep it positive, keep it short, be specific to yourself and use at least one dynamic feeling or emotional word. Once you create the affirmations, you can say it out loud or to yourself often. You can write them down and post them in your space, on mirrors, computer, fridge, etc. You can use them in meditations and journaling. You can share them with friends and encourage them to use them too. Most importantly have fun, spark your own joy and positivity is contagious so share it with everyone around you. Positive Affirmations works for me and I can be creative while creating and developing them. Now you try….

I am limitless and I can do anything that I desire. I welcome change, it is opportunities for growth and development! I am doing my best work every day. I am dedicated to my family and they are dedicated to me.

My Life is a Success Story that I will share with like minded people.

I will continue to serve with all my heart. I am always sharing my knowledge, wisdom and joys with others because great people have shared it with me. I am blessed beyond measure!

I hope that you will make your own affirmations, please share with me your outcomes. Have the greats day ever!!! Rebecca

Self Help comes in remembering others who have inspired your life. Smiling is always a great gift.

Let me introduce yous guys to my Mom, Jane. This woman was just finishing up another round of Chemo and Radiation, not a vacation in Hawaii. Her beautiful smile always lit up the room and brought joy!

Self Help and Self Care may come in just taking time to remember those who inspired your life. Remembering their strength during times that seemed hopeless.

Every month the hospital had a different themed tree and contests to keep the patients entertained and the atmosphere light hearted. Needless to say, we won for best Hawaii themed dressed. You can’t tell by this picture, but just five minutes before she was getting a chemo and radiation treatment which made her so super ill afterwards, but she put on her happy face just for this picture and for everyone in the room. She believed in always helping others and most “have it worse than me” attitude, so she did it for them. She was definitely the brightest light in a dark time. While she was here on earth, she would do her best to be positive and would be always smiling. The doctors sometimes didn’t believe how bad her cancer was until they seen the results, she always said she was just fine and smiled delightfully.

Growing up with her and that smile was sometimes tricky. Sometimes I would be scared because she could turn it on like a switch, she would be yelling at me or disciplining me then answer the phone with a smile on her face the next minute. One time I asked her how or why she was always smiling on the phone and she told me that people can actually hear and feel your smile through the line and it was good for life and business. My Mom was a smart woman who was possibly a super woman even. She raised us two girls by herself, provided everything for us from the beginning and yet worked many jobs at a time. I don’t know how she did it all but she did. All while still smiling! Before she passed she accomplished a lot of her dreams and her legacy is so great!

This is the pic(the one Im licking her face and she looks scared LOL) that inspired a” Smiles2yous” Facebook page, there are 800+ followers on there today. Every time I look at this pic the memory shoots back into my mind and I can’t help but crack up smiling. She counted on me for the craziness, humor, positivity, happiness and extra smiles during the times when we needed it most. But also to carry on her legacy that even though she is not here, I will still bring the “Smiles2yous”!!!

She threw me a Surprise 30th Luau, managed to find and invite all my friends and teachers. She even had my Girl Scout Leader Vicky there. My Mom inspired everyone to show their love for me.
I finally surprised my Mom with a 50th Birthday party that same year. She always said “we will have our cake and eat it too”! We didn’t know at the time that she would only have 4 years left together.
Jane could not wait to be a Grandmother. She taught those kids the true meaning of unconditional love, respect and family first!
June 2006. Jane, us girls and her 4 lovely grandchildren.
Nov.2010 Our final picture and she was still shining so bright.
Sadly she passed December 6, 2010.

Every time I remember her beautiful face I can just see her smiling at me. I remember that when no one thought I would succeed or amount to anything that she was always there encouraging me to do more and to always to do my best. Jane, sweet Janey, sometimes I was that kid being a pain and pushing all the buttons and yet somehow she found endless patience with me. She always had hopes for me even when I thought that I wasn’t sure what to do. She supported my decisions even when she did not whole heartedly agreed but let me live my life. She was so proud of me and let everyone know it! When I graduated high school, graduated Navy boot camp, received my AA/AS degrees, on Deans Honor List, all my endless trainings, classes and certifications, my BA was the last degree she was able to celebrate but none the less made a huge production of it all. Sharing in my successes made her so happy. I always strived to make her proud, not for myself but for her to know that she inspired me to do my best. That she did a good job raising me by herself. That she was my strength during my struggle. She was my rock in my times of unsteady walks. Jane’s smile and hugs were a reason to run home after a long day. She made me tougher than most boys, sweeter than most girls, and taught me to be steadfast and sturdy. Set my mind to it and it would happen. She would says “don’t worry Becky,things always work out for you”. Sometimes just with encouraging words, and sometimes tough love, but it all worked out.

When her time was coming to it’s end, somehow she was still trying to be strong for us girls. When her final breaths came, I got another chance to encourage her “don’t worry about us girls, things always work out for us”. Reminding her that she did a great job as a Mom and the she could go now. She looked so peaceful yet I still felt her smiling as she went on. Happy with her life and knew she did her best with us girls. She took a piece of my heart but left me with a lifetime of inspiration and a legacy to be carried on for her.

A smile can change everything. A smile can impact lives beyond our knowledge and awareness. It might take a smile to just make someone else’s day better. You may even save a life with just a smile to a stranger who may be close to the edge (a personal experience).

Jane’s smiles reached from PA to CA and everywhere in between.
Forever in our hearts.
May I be like Jane, may my smile inspire, encourage and bring joy to lives. May my legacy be just like my Mom’s.